Job Description: Chuadanga Civil Surgeon Office Job Circular 2024 Chuadanga Civil Surgeon Office Authority will appoint a total of 39 candidates for the post of Recent Health Assistant. Genuine Bangladeshi citizens can apply for the said posts. Age limit of eligible candidates is 18-30 years maximum. Interested candidates should apply online directly. Below are the details of recruitment number, educational qualification, age limit, mode of application etc. For more detailed information regarding the application, see Chuadanga Civil Surgeon Office Job Circular.
Table of Contents
Chuadanga Civil Surgeon Office Recruitment at a Glance
Name of Institution | Chuadanga Civil Surgeon Office |
Job Type | Govt Jobs |
Post Name | Health Assistant |
Number of Posts | 39 |
Age limit | 18-30 years |
Educational Qualification | Must have passed Higher Secondary Certificate. |
Salary (Pay Scale) | Grade-16 (9300-22490/-) |
Gender | Both Male & Female |
Application Fee | 223/-Tk |
Recruitment Release Date | 17 April 2024 |
Application Start Date | 25 April 2024 |
Application Deadline | 15th May 2024 |
Application Mode | Online |
Official Website | http://cs.chuadanga.gov.bd/ |
Application Address | http://cschuadanga.teletalk.com.bd/ |
Chuadanga Civil Surgeon Office Job Circular Official Image & PDF
Chuadanga Civil Surgeon Office Job Circular Official Notice Images & PDF Officially Released. We have attached the PDF file of Chuadanga Civil Surgeon Office Job Notification 2024 in this post. Also, you can download Chuadanga CS Chuadanga Job circular images or PDF from below and save it for yourself.

Press the download button below to download Chuadanga Civil Surgeon Office Job Circular 2024 in PDF format.
Application Conditions and Instructions:
- Candidate must be a citizen of Bangladesh by birth and a permanent resident of Chuadanga District as per National Identity Card.
- The age of all applicants should be minimum 18 (Eighteen) and maximum 30 (Thirty) years as on 25/04/2024 except son-daughter of veer freedom fighter/son-daughter of veer freedom fighter/handicapped. In the case of sons and daughters of heroic freedom fighters/disabled persons, the maximum age limit is 32 (thirty two) years. Note that no affidavit is admissible for proof of age.
- Applications of all candidates will be accepted online only. Applications received through any other means other than online will be treated as directly rejected. The signatures of the candidates in the application form, written, oral and practical (where applicable) examinations must be identical.
- The applicant should mention all his acquired educational qualifications/experience in the application. Equivalent certificate issued by the concerned Ministry of Education/University Grants Commission (UGC) in case of degree obtained from a foreign university must be submitted at the time of oral examination. (CS Chuadanga Job circular)
- Candidates for Government/Semi-Govt/Autonomous/Semi-Autonomous Organizations must apply within the stipulated time after obtaining the approval of the appropriate authority following the Government Rules and the original of No Objection Certificate (NOC) issued by the appointing authority at the time of oral examination of all the candidates. Copy must be submitted.
- The latest rules and regulations of the Government shall be reflected in the matter of appointment and fixing of quotas.
- In case of the post of Health Assistant, the candidate should be a permanent resident of the Ward (Old) for which he/she is applying for the post. Permanent residents of other wards of the same union can apply. In this case, the ward in which the candidate is a permanent resident must be mentioned in the application form. However, if eligible candidates are found among the permanent residents of the vacant ward of the concerned union, candidates from other wards will not be considered, but if eligible candidates are not found among the permanent residents of the ward of the concerned union, eligible candidates from other wards of the concerned union will be considered. (CS Chuadanga Job circular)
- If the Permanent Address mentioned by the candidate in the application form is different from the permanent address mentioned earlier in any certificate or elsewhere or in case of female candidates husband’s own address is used, then in that case the candidate should get the National Identity Card (NID) in favor of the changed permanent address and Citizenship certificate signed by Mayor/Ward Commissioner/Municipal Mayor/Councillor/Union Council Chairman of the concerned City Corporation should be submitted.
- List of vacant posts of Health Assistant (Ward, Union, Upazila wise) will be available on notice board and website of Office of Civil Surgeon and Office of Upazila Health and Family Planning Officer.
- If any information provided by the candidate is proved to be false or false or concealment of necessary information or any ineligibility is detected or any fraud or corruption is resorted to or if the candidate fills the form multiple times with false, incorrect/different information and accepts multiple admit cards or fails in the examination. Acceptance or misbehavior in the examination center before and after the examination, even after the appointment at any stage including canceling the candidature or appointment of the candidate will be taken legal action against the candidate. (CS Chuadanga Job circular)
- Any candidate who has married or promised to marry a foreign national or who has been convicted of a criminal offense by a person employed in the Republic or dismissed from the service of any Government or Autonomous Institution or Local Authority shall be considered ineligible to apply.
The rules/conditions and time limit for online application form are as follows:
(a) Interested candidates can fill the application form on this website http://cschuadanga.teletalk.com.bd. The form should be filled as per the instructions published on the website.
(b) Starting date and time for online filling of application form and submission of application fee is 25/04/2024 at 10.00 am.
(c) Last date and time for submission of application form online is 15/05/2024 at 04.00 PM.
(d) Candidates who have received User ID within the said period can submit the examination fee through SMS within 72 (seventy two) hours from the time of submission of application form online.
- In the online application form, the candidate will upload his color photograph (Length 300 × Width 300) and signature (Length 300 × Width 80) Pixel scanned at the designated place. Image size should be maximum 100 KB and signature should be maximum size 60 KB.
- Since the information filled in the online application form will be used in all subsequent activities, the candidate himself will be hundred percent sure about the correctness of all the information filled before submitting the application form online.
- The candidate shall keep a print copy of the online filled application form as an aid for any examination related need and submit one copy during the oral examination.
Rules for Sending SMS and Payment of Test Fee:
After completing the online application form by properly filling the application form and uploading the photo and signature according to the instructions, the application preview with the photo can be seen on the computer. Candidates who have successfully submitted the application form will download and save an Applicant’s Copy with a User ID, photo and signature in color. A User ID number will be provided in the Applicant’s Copy and using the User ID number, the candidate can send 02 (two) SMAs through any Teletalk pre-paid mobile number for examination fee of Tk 200/- (two hundred) and Teletalk in the following manner. Total (non-refundable) 223/- (two hundred and twenty three) rupees including service charge 23/- (twenty three) shall be deposited within 72 (seventy two) hours. It should be noted that even if all parts of the online application form are submitted and submitted, the online application form will not be accepted under any circumstances until the examination fee is submitted.
First SMS:
CSCHUADANGAUser ID should be sent to 16222.
Example: CSCHUADANGA ABCDEF send to 16222.
Reply: Applicant’s name, Tk. 223/- will be charged as application fee. Your PIN is XXXXXXXX. To pay fee Type CSCHUADANGA Yes PIN and send to 16222
Second SMS:
CSCHUADANGA Yes Enter PIN and send to 16222.
Example: CSHUADANGA YES 12345678
Reply SMS: Congratulations Applicant’s Name, payment completed successfully for CSCHUADANGA
Application for (post name) User ID is (ABCDEF) and password (XXXXXXXX.)
Receipt of admit card will be intimated in due course on website http://cschuadanga.teletalk.com.bd or www.cs.chuadanga.gov.bd and through SMS on candidate’s mobile phone (only eligible candidates). All communication related to the examination will be completed on the mobile phone given by the candidate in the online application form, so keeping the said number active all the time, reading the SMS and following the received instructions immediately is prohibited.
- After using the User ID and Password sent in the SMS, the candidate will download and print the color copy of the admit card containing the information such as roll number, post name, photo, exam date, time and place/centre name etc. Candidates must produce the admit card at the time of appearing in the written test and at the time of passing the practical/oral test.
- | Candidates can retrieve their User ID and Password by following the below mentioned SMS procedure from Teletalk pre-paid mobile phone only.
(a) If User ID is known:
(b) If PIN Number is known:
CSCHUADANGA Help PINPIN Number & send to 16222. Example: CSCHUADANGA HELP PIN 12345678
CS Chuadanga Job Circular Exam Participation Conditions:
Preliminarily shortlisted candidates will have to pass written, practical test (where applicable) and oral test separately as decided by the authority. Candidates selected for oral test only shall compulsorily produce original copies of the following documents and submit one set of attested copies at the time of oral test. All attestations/attestations should be executed by a Government First Class Officer (Seal with name and designation).(Chuadanga Civil Surgeon Office Job Circular)
(a) All educational qualification original/temporary certificate/certificate, experience certificate etc. (b) Certificate in support of computer knowledge where applicable.
(c) Permanent address mentioned in the job application form, National Identity Card/Birth Registration in support of own district and nationality and issued by concerned Union Parishad Chairman/Municipal Mayor/Ward Commissioner/Councilor of City Corporation (old ward of own district and concerned union used to mention:) Nationality etc. certificate
(d) Character certificate issued by a gazetted officer of the 1st class.
(e) Certificate/Evidence as per the latest policy of Govt in respect of candidates applying for Freedom Fighter Quota.
(f) Certificate issued by concerned District Commissioner in case of minority and tribal (tribal) candidates.
(g) In case of Physically Handicapped Candidates related to Physical Handicap given by concerned authority Chuadanga Civil Surgeon Office Job Circular.
(h) In case of orphan candidates, certificate issued by the Directorate of Social Services from the Orphanage/Shishusadan. (j) Member of Ansar and Village Defense Force (minimum 21 days training completed before 30/06/2023) Certificate issued by the District Commandant of Ansar VDP as a member of the concerned candidate Ansar and Village Defense Force.
(j) Attested by appropriate authority in case of departmental candidates.
(k) Attested copy of downloaded Applicant’s Copy & Admit Card.
No daily allowance and traveling allowance will be given to the candidate for appearing in the written, practical (where applicable) and oral examinations. Chuadanga Civil Surgeon Office Job Circular.